Weekly Notices, Term 2, Week 9


Week 9 Notices

Kia ora,

 Hard to believe that we are finishing June this week and that we have almost completed Term 2.  

We are still waiting for some children to return their RE books to school with the '2 wishes and a star' sheet completed by parents and children together. Could these RE books be returned to class ASAP please.

Thank you to all of the whanau who participated in the Matariki Supper it was a great success. With the wet weather and tired kids, we have had lots of sick kids. Please make sure that the children have their jerseys or polar fleece jackets in the mornings. If your child has misplaced theirs check the lost and found as it is very full. 

Last week we took part in a digital wellness programme teaching children the importance of staying safe on the internet.  

We have another busy week ahead. School photos are on Monday. We will be having our photos taken at 10:30. Boys are to wear their winter wool jerseys.  On Wednesday we will have the privilege of having Sister Ema visiting our class to talk about meditation and prayer. 

Week Ahead:

Monday - School Photos 10:30

Wednesday - Sister Ema visiting our class

Thursday - Library Day

Friday - 9:00 Parish Mass - Room 16 and 17 to attend

All parents are invited as well.  This will then be followed by a shared morning tea in the church hall.  We would like to ask that our students bring in something light to share for this.  If you are able to help with serving tea and coffee, that would be much appreciated too.  Please let myself or Mr Bach know if you are able to help out.


Looking to Week 10

Thursday - School Disco

Friday - Teacher ONLY Day

A reminder that we have a Teacher Only Day on the last day of term. If you need child care for your child/ren, you can contact Mary-Ann Roling from Glenholme Afterschool on 347 0709 or 0211 215599. Mary-Anne will be caring for students at St Mary’s.

Have a wonderful week,

David Bach and

Team Kahikatea


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