Weekly Notices, Term 4, Week 2


Week 2 - Term 4 - 2021

WEEK 2 TERM 4 2021.

Tokelau Language Week: Te vaiaho o te gagana Tokelau Mālo ni,

This year’s theme for Te vaiaho o te Gagana Tokelau– Tokelau Language Week is Tokelau! Tapui tau gagana ma tau aganuku, i te manaola ma te lautupuola, which means Tokelau! Preserve your language and culture, to enhance spiritual and physical wellbeing.

Swimming- Kahikitea will be swimming for the last 4 days of the week. It is very important that we take part in swimming, a note will be needed from home if the kids aren't swimming. Otherwise, they will be given spare togs. Swimming is part of our P.E. curriculum, the pool is warm and the kids will learn valuable swimming skills. 

Library - Thursdays.


THE MONTH OF THE ROSARY. This month is the month of the Rosary. Kahikitea is leading the Sorrowful Mysteries on Thursday.

JPC staff members are here tomorrow to conduct the Entrance Test for those students going to JPC next year. Tables and chairs have been set up in the hall so the hall will be in use until lunchtime.

RAFFLES: Thank you for your support with the selling of our PTA’s Raffle Books. The books must be returned tomorrow Tuesday sold or unsold. Thank you.

EARLY FINISH FOR PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT FOR STAFF: Tuesday 2nd November at 2.30pm, our staff, along with teachers from St Michael’s Rotorua, St Mary’s Putararu and Bishop Edward Gaines in Tokoroa are involved in Titiro Whakamuri kia haere whakamua Professional Development. We will need to finish school at 2.15pm on that Tuesday so Mr Macmillan asks that you pick your child up at 2.15pm. If you require after-school care you can ring Maryanne Roling from Glenholme Afterschool Care. Mary Anne’s contact number is: 347 0709 or 0211 215599

WORKING BEE. We intend to have a working bee on the third Saturday after the holidays, November 7th. There are a number of jobs that need to be done. I really appreciate the support we get from you, so thank you in anticipation. Children are welcome and we will have a BBQ lunch. I have sent a letter home, if you are able to help please indicate on the sheet what you can help with and return the form to school.


The sports coordinator has offered free fries to the class that has all their parents fill out the form below. Please take 5 min to fill it out.

Our annual Athletics Day will take place on Monday, November 8th. Please click on the form below to help us organize the event.

Friday 12th November. Teacher Only Day. There will be no school on this day.

Have a good week.

David Bach and the Kahikatea Team


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